Myanmar Marionettes is a Mandalay-based string puppetry company founded by Ma Ma Naing and Naing Yee Mar in 1986. To the present day, the Myanmar Marionettes and their programming still strive not only to entertain through their performances but also to educate the world audience on the rich history and cultural values of Myanmar’s theatrical arts.
The character depicted by this puppet is Lakshmana (Lakhana) from the tale of Ramayana, which is known as Yama Zatdaw in Burma. Lakshmana is the brother of warrior-king Rama, and in the “Chasing Deer” scene, he looks after Sita while Rama goes off to chase the golden deer, Gambi. The puppet figure is clothed royally in yellow silk decorated in gold details. A piece of yellow pasoe is tied around his waist, secured by an intricately decorated belt lined with gold and silver sequins. On top of his head is a towering headdress inlaid with different coloured jewels. Lakshmana and his brother Rama are well-loved characters from the Ramayana, as they represent good in the battle against evil.