Wee Beng Chong is one of Singapore’s most versatile artists, producing exceptional works in various mediums, such as calligraphy, seal carving, printmaking, sculpture, mixed media works, oil and Chinese ink painting. His formal art education began in 1955 when he enrolled in the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and was introduced to different genres of art. Besides building a solid foundation in Western art, the artist also picked up seal carving and Chinese ink painting under the tutelage of See Hiang To. Later in 1964, Wee studied sculpture at École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, adding sculpture-making to his impressive list of art skills. As a key figure in promoting the development of visual arts in Singapore from the 1960s–1980s, Wee was accorded the Cultural Medallion in 1979.
The inscription on this seal reads
南洋美术专科学院 惠存一九八五年八月纯美术系主任明宗敬刊
[Nanyang Academy Fine Arts, Gift from Beng Chong, Head of Fine Art Department, August 1985]
This artwork is a gift from Wee given during his time as Head of the Fine Art Department at NAFA. Wee joined his alma mater in 1981 and led the Fine Art Department the following year as Head of the department for seven years. He became a Senior Lecturer from 1990 to 2014 and, later, a Senior Adjunct Lecturer at NAFA.